lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

ONG Shelter Box en Chile. Pasa por Lebu

La ONG de ayuda Shelter Box, ha venido de Inglaterra con ayuda para Chile, visitando distintos lugares, entre ellos Lebu. Ayer estuvimos con ellos en Curaco Bajo visitando a familias que lo han perdido todo. Damos gracias a Dios por la ayuda que han traído a nuestro país, consistente en 1000 carpas, absolutamente equipadas, para disctribuir en las zonas afectadas por el Terremoto del 27 de Febrero de 2010. Dios bendiga a quienes sirven en Shelter Box, a Jessica Stanton,Sally, Nick y Jorge que la acompañaron y a quienes facilitaron los contactos, nuestra hna. Alejandra Opazo, sra. del Pastor Ariel Muñoz y a la gente de la Agencia Misionera Adelphos, principalmente a Patricio Oliva.


ShelterBox is responding to the news of destruction caused by a massive earthquake which hit Chile at 0643 GMT on Saturday, February 27.

ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) members Tom Lay (UK), Pat Prendergast (UK) and Traci Oliver (US) are en route to Chile. The 8.8 magnitude quake, one of the largest ever recorded, struck southern Chile leaving an estimated 500,000 people in need of emergency shelter.

sunami damage in Iloca, Chile. The sign reads, ‘we need help, there’s children, please.’ Photograph from Adelphos

A three-person ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) has arrived in Chile after a massive earthquake rocked the country last weekend.

They had to travel through Argentina and across the Andes in order to reach Chile’s capital Santiago and are now pulling out all the stops to establish where ShelterBoxes are most needed.

The team, consisting of Pat Prendergast (UK), Tom Lay (UK) and Traci Oliver (US) have met with Rotary contacts and government officials in Santiago. They will be travelling south to Concepcion and the worst affected areas tomorrow (Friday, March 5). Concepcion is Chile’s second largest city and was nearest to the quake’s epicentre.

Speaking at the time of the team’s arrival in Santiago, Pat said: ‘From all the reports we’ve heard there’s an absolute crying need for shelter in Concepcion and areas along the coast which have been largely overlooked.’

The team’s contacts in Chile told them that the Iloca region, on Chile’s coast, was hit by a tsunami after the earthquake. The tsunami reached three miles inland in some areas causing widespread damage and destruction. The SRT will be visiting the area as soon as they travel south towards Concepcion, a twelve hour drive from Santiago.

448 ShelterBoxes have already been committed to Chile and more look set to follow.

If you can help support ShelterBox’s work around the world in any way great or small, please visit the donation page on this website.

ShelterBox General Manager Lasse Petersen said: 'ShelterBox will respond quickly where needed, as the unfolding news becomes clearer and the scale of need is confirmed.

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